Monday, August 20


  • A couple of interesting Africa-related articles: In the New York Times, Howard French and Lydia Polgreen look at China's growing presence on the continent. There have been a ton of articles on this subject in the past year, but this is probably one of the better ones. And the Economist describe Africa's energy shortages. I know my power has cut about 10 times since I came home from work this evening, though luckily we have a generator.
  • There's an interesting article in the L.A. Times on how "luxury camping" of the type you get in Kenya is on the rise in American places like Montana. And an interesting article in the S.F. Chronicle about how European hotel managers like American tourists, according to a poll. Not just because they're the biggest tippers. Americans are also the worst-dressed tourists.
  • Jesus is ruining American sports, according to the L.A. Times.
  • Turkey's politics are getting pretty interesting these days. Also, apparently, Hugh Pope, the longtime Turkey correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, who has written a couple of good books on Turkey and the region, is now working for the International Crisis Group, which just put out a new report on Turkey and the EU. It sounds depressing and I haven't read it, but let me know if you do.
  • Frank Rich's NYT column on Karl Rove is also good, as usual.

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