Sunday, October 28

What I'm up to

Since returning from my East Africa regional tour, I've moved apartments, now that I don't have an employer to foot the bill. The new place is a bit smaller and dingier, but just as well located, and the pool is bigger. Which is good since we're in the "nice season" in Nairobi again, with blue skies and mid-to-high 70s every day.

I've started picking up stringing work for Voice of America radio here. So far I've done a couple pieces on the upcoming Kenyan elections (here and here). And on southern Sudan (here and here) and Darfur (here). You can also listen to me reading the stories in a goofy voice (if you're connection is faster than mine).

Also, The Economist has an interesting obituary on Bob Denard, one of the more fascinating figures of the post-colonial French presence in Africa.

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