Wednesday, April 23

Teddy Afro

From the BBC:

Ethiopia's most popular pop singer, Teddy Afro, has pleaded not guilty to causing the death of a young man in a hit and run incident 18 months ago.

Thousands of young people mounted an impromptu protest after the High Court hearing, running through the streets, shouting, "Teddy is innocent".

This kind of demonstration has not been seen in Addis Ababa since the period after the elections in 2005 when Teddy Afro's songs were playing everywhere and his music was the anthem of the anti-government protesters.

Two things I learned from talking to folks when I was in Ethiopia last year were that they don't much care for the government, and that they love Teddy Afro.

As with many pop stars, I find the music ranges from pretty terrible to pretty good. Here's one I like:

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